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Phenomenography in the 21st Century: A Methodology for Investigating Human Experience of the World - cover image


Gerlese S. Åkerlind;

Published On





  • English

Print Length

312 pages (xxvi+286)


Paperback156 x 17 x 234 mm(6.14" x 0.67" x 9.21")
Hardback156 x 20 x 234 mm(6.14" x 0.79" x 9.21")


Paperback444g (15.66oz)
Hardback616g (21.73oz)



OCLC Number



  • JNC
  • QDTK
  • J


  • EDU040000
  • EDU037000
  • EDU009000
  • SOC024000
  • SOC019000
  • PSY030000
  • PHI004000


  • Phenomenography
  • Human experience
  • Epistemology
  • Research methodology
  • Social sciences
  • Educational research

Phenomenography in the 21st Century

A Methodology for Investigating Human Experience of the World

Phenomenography offers a distinctive approach to studying human experience of the world, by highlighting different ways in which the same phenomena (concepts, objects, events) are experienced within any group of people. Phenomenography focuses on the relationship between meaning—people’s holistic understanding of phenomena—and structure, that is the part-whole structure of people’s awareness of phenomena. This structure of awareness then forms the basis for identifying differences in the experienced meaning of phenomena, and how awareness needs to change to allow new meanings to emerge—whether educationally, historically, culturally or socially.

Over its 50-year history, there have been substantial advancements in the methods and theoretical assumptions underlying phenomenographic research, but these developments are not always recognised. This book details how the 21st-century practice of phenomenography differs from its earlier iterations, emphasising that earlier works can be misleading when used to justify current research practices.

Phenomenography is a developing, not static, approach to social science research, and this book introduces further methodological and theoretical extensions to the research. Although most commonly used in educational research, the potential of phenomenography to contribute to research in other social science disciplines is increasingly being recognised and is further emphasised in this book. In this way, this book is not only essential reading for doctoral students, but will also be of interest to those already experienced in phenomenography, and to social science researchers within and outside the field of education.

Additional Resources


Gerlese S. Åkerlind

Professor Emerita at Australian National University

Gerlese Åkerlind, PhD, is a professor emerita at the Australian National University (ANU). She was previously Director of the Centre for Educational Development and Academic Methods at the ANU, Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre at the University of Canberra, and a long-term honorary Research Associate of the Oxford Learning Institute at Oxford University. Gerlese has particular expertise in the phenomenographic research tradition, with numerous publications on phenomenographic theory and methods. In addition, her empirical research has primarily used phenomenographic methods, investigating the nature of academic practice, including university teaching, research, research supervision and academic development.