The Medieval Text Consortium Series

the_medieval_text_consortium_series.png Photo by Sean Babbs (2020) @ University of Colorado Boulder Libraries, Special Collections, CC-BY

Instructions for Authors and Editors

We are open to publishing works of various kinds, from critical editions to editiones minores intended to provide scholars with a provisional working text. We will not ordinarily consider publishing bare transcriptions of a text, but we are open to various possibilities regarding how much editorial work is appropriate in a given case.

We are likewise open to translation proposals of all kinds, including translations of a whole text, partial and abridged translations of a text, and collections of shorter texts on a single subject. The open-access electronic format, combined with affordable print prices, makes us an ideal place to publish material with classroom applications, but at the same time we are not constrained by commercial considerations.

We welcome proposals for new titles. For the time being our focus is Latin texts. Scholars interested in publishing work in this series should contact the Editor-in-chief, Robert Pasnau. You can also visit the consortium's official website.

Editorial Board

  • Monica Brinzei (CNRS Paris)
  • Guy Guldentops (University of Cologne)
  • Peter King (University of Toronto)
  • Christopher Martin (University of Auckland)
  • Russell Friedman (KU Leuven)
  • John Marenbon (University of Cambridge)
  • Giorgio Pini (Fordham University)
  • Cecilia Trifogli (University of Oxford)
  • Rega Wood (Indiana University)