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Fadel Jobran-Alsawayfa;

Published On


Page Range

pp. 241–261


  • English

Print Length

21 pages

8. Home and Abroad

Exploring my Lived Experiences through Poetry and Narrative

This reflexive account of the challenges I faced in opening new possibilities of methodological responsibility, demonstrates how nonconventional creative methods enable researcher reflexivity and participant agency. I situate these in selected occurrences shaping my academic life history as a Palestinian. The first is my doctoral journey as a migrant in the different cultural and political context of England, while creating the War on Language project and participating in the Breaking the Occupation of the Mind: Arts & Culture in Palestine event. The second part is my everyday reality of restriction, oppression, humiliation and resilience as an academic based in contemporary Palestine.

حاولت في هذه المقاربة الشخية إظهار إمكانيات استخدام المنهجيات البحثية الإبداعية غير التقليدية وما تقدًمه للباحث والمبحوث من تأمل ومرونة ومشاركة. ولتوضيح ذلك، اعتمدت على مجموعة من المواقف والأحداث التي شكًلت هويتي كأكاديمي فلسطيني، والصعوبات التي واجهتها في استخدام تلك المقاربات الإبداعية. الموقف الأول الذي اخترته هو رحلة الدكتوراة الخاصة بي كمهاجر في السياقين السياسي والثقافي المختلف للملكة المتحدة من خلال العمل على مشروع: الحرب على اللغة، والمشاركة في فعالية: اختراق الاحتلال الفكري: الفنون والثقافة في فلسطين. يلخص الجزء الثاني من الفصل واقع حياتي اليومية المتمثًل في تقييد الحريات، والقهر، والقمع، والإذلال والصمود كفلسطيني مقيم في فلسطين.


Fadel Jobran-Alsawayfa

Assistant professor of education at Bethlehem University

Fadel Jobran-Alsawayfa is an Assistant Professor of Education at Bethlehem University, Palestine. He is a pedagogue and a poet. He is the Chairperson of the Early Childhood Education Department and the Coordinator of the Master’s Programme in Creative Pedagogies and Community Practices. He completed his Doctor of Education (EdD) at the University of Chester. Prior to the completion of the EdD, Fadel had attained an MA in Comparative Education from the Institute of Education, University of London. He teaches courses in drama in education, storytelling, theatre, play and creativity, arts-based research and creativity in practice. Jobran-Alsawayfa is interested in self-reflexive methodologies that allow individuals to narrate their stories and lived experience evocatively and authentically. He also hopes that poetic inquiry and drama performance will be widely adopted as creative pedagogies and arts-based research approaches, emphasising their potential to foster creativity and give voice to participants through the development of arts-based participatory research.