
Laura Czerniewicz; Catherine Cronin;

Published On


Page Range

pp. 35–52


  • English

Print Length

17 pages

Higher education for good


Catherine Cronin


Catherine Cronin is an independent scholar whose work focuses on critical and social justice approaches in digital, open, and higher education. Born in the Bronx and now living in the west of Ireland, Catherine has interwoven work in higher education, community education, and activism for 40 years in multiple countries and contexts. She recently completed a three-year strategic role in Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education where she led sector-wide projects in digital and open education. She has master’s degrees in systems engineering and women’s studies and a PhD in open education (University of Galway). She received a GO-GN Fellowship in 2022 for Just Knowledge, her research on equity-focused, community-based, open knowledge. Catherine has published widely and openly on critical and social justice approaches, digital and open education, and intersectional feminism. She serves on the editorial boards of several journals, is an active member of FemEdTech, and contributes regularly to collaborative projects within Ireland and globally. Catherine blogs and shares scholarship at http://

Laura Czerniewicz

Professor Emerita at University of Cape Town

Laura Czerniewicz has worked in education throughout her professional life as a teacher, teacher educator, publisher, strategist, researcher, and scholar. She is professor emerita at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. With personal links to South Africa, Zimbabwe, France, Poland, New Zealand, and Germany, she considers herself a world citizen. Laura’s work has been underpinned by an enduring concern about digital and social inequities; this has manifested recently in research on changing forms of teaching and learning provision and in the datafication of education. She has a long-standing commitment to open education and serious unease about the corporate capture of higher education. She serves on the editorial boards of many national and international journals; has been an interested contributor and participant at relevant events on every continent; and is an active reviewer of pertinent articles, books, proposals etc. and blogs at