
Vicki Trowler

Published On


Page Range

pp. 591–602


  • English

Print Length

12 pages

26. “It’s about transforming lives!”: Supporting students in post pandemic higher education

Not all students have an equal chance of success in higher education, and many in HE are working to address that. Students might consider themselves “non-traditional” in their study contexts for many reasons, including age, socio-economic background, nationality / ethnicity / “race”, religion, caring responsibilities, gender, disability status, LGBTQIA+ concerns, family estrangement, care experience, being first-in-family to participate in HE, holding non-standard entry qualifications, and many more – with students seldom presenting only a single reason. HE needs to be as “good” to these students as to others.
Using previously unpublished interview data brought into conversation with current concerns, this chapter - in comic strip format - reflects on what makes HE “good”, and how those working or studying in HE, might help to ensure that HE stays (or becomes) “good” when there are so many challenges.


Vicki Trowler

Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Huddersfield

Vicki Trowler has been unable to escape the gravitational pull of higher education and has spent almost her entire adult life studying at, working at, or researching universities in South Africa and the UK. Vicki has a M.Ed in Higher Education Studies from the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) and a PhD from the University of Edinburgh (UK). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Huddersfield (UK).